Pain, Is it bad or good?Pain, Is it bad or good?

Pain is just a symptom, not the cause of the problems!!!!!!

We can treat pain, but chiropractic care is much more than just treating your symptoms.

Pain is the alarm of our body, it is a protective mechanism

So do painkillers help? Do we care about the pain, or do we care about the root cause of the pain?

What is Pain? Is it a gift or an evil?

Definition of pain is a subjective sensory and emotional experience. It is a protective mechanism by which the body responds to harmful mechanical, thermal or chemical stimuli.

Pain is just a symptom, different people have different experiences depending on the strength of the stimulus, individual susceptibility and individual resistance to pain. It doesn’t directly indicate the subluxation, but it is an alert you should be aware of.

There are 2 types of pain. Neuropathic pain is initiated or caused by a primary lesion or disease in the peripheral nervous system or central nervous system. Nociceptive pain is caused by an inflammatory or non-inflammatory response to a noxious stimulus

Effects of chronic pain

Pain and its aftermath often cause unpleasant consequences for the patient and family. Pain has not only physical and psychological consequences but also social consequences.

  • Severe and chronic pain hinder normal functioning and implementing daily duties;
  • They lead to the elimination of signs of social activity
  • Patient focus thoughts on the pain and the constant searching for the cause
  • Can cause mental isolation and depression
  • The patient has a sense of dramatically reduced availability of the surrounding world.
  • May cause conflicts with family or friends – patients may fall into a depressive mood manifested by sadness, irritability and outbursts of anger.

Pain is more than a physical phenomenon, the psychological, social and spiritual aspects of pain should also be considered.

Acute pain warns about impending or ensuing danger while chronic pain causes the afflicted part of the body, such as an immobilized and unused limb, increasing the chance for recovery. Acute pain is associated with skeletal muscle spasm and sympathetic nervous system activation by a specific disease or injury. Chronic pain, in contrast, may be considered a disease state. It is pain that outlasts the normal time of healing if related to a disease or injury. Chronic pain may arise from psychological states, serves no biological purpose, and has no distinguishable end-point.

Location, intensity, duration and quality of pain are measured clinically. The location of pain allows the determination of the possible cause. The location of pain does not always correspond to the site of injury or disease process. Deep organ pains are particularly poorly located. Intensity of pain is measured from 0 to 10. The duration of pain helps to differentiate between acute and chronic pain. Pain that lasts longer than 3 months is regarded as chronic pain. Qualities are a feature in evaluating the origin of pain suggesting neural origin. Girdling pain, escalating while coughing, moving indicates the core, indicates the root. Burning pain, provoked by any stimulus indicates neuropathic and nerve damage and etc.